Tips For Designing Promotional Materials For Online Courses In Photoshop

Tips For Designing Promotional Materials For Online Courses In Photoshop – Adobe Photoshop is a great program for working with photographs and graphic design. It is most commonly used in images that people will see on a computer screen, but it doesn’t stop there.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a printable flyer in Photoshop. We show you step by step how to set up coloring and layers, work with text tools and much more. Decide on content: do you want to create a business newsletter, a promotional newsletter or a standard newsletter? Before you start, we recommend that you put together a collection of images that you can use to create flyers.

Tips For Designing Promotional Materials For Online Courses In Photoshop

Now that you are ready to make a flyer in Photoshop. First, create a new document that is 1200 x 1800 pixels.

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Since the file is intended for printing, we set it to 300 dpi and CMYK color mode. Now you need to configure the workspace. Activate the ruler with the key combination Ctrl+R. Drag out the ruler and place it in the center of the document. Drag out the guide (with the move tool and Shift key you can move the guide) and place it in the center of the document. Then set two more guides (to see the edges of the indent) to 400 and 800 pixels. To display the values ​​in pixels, select “Pixels” at the top of the ruler. In the middle of the document we put a horizontal guide and with it three more 500, 800 and 1600 pixels.

Now we are ready for the next part called How to make a flyer with Photoshop. Follow the instructions:

To continue creating flyers in Photoshop, go to File > Place Embedded and select the image you want to place as the background.

Use the Move tool to move the image into the document. Create another rectangle with the rectangle tool. Set the flyer size to 216mm x 100mm. Use the Direct Selection Tool to place the rectangle exactly above the image in the upper left corner. In the top rectangle toolbar, click Mask. This will add a vector mask to the image layer. Take the Pen Tool and place an anchor point on the mesh. Create a curve with the Direct Selection Tool. Try shaping the mask with the already familiar Pen Tool and Direct Selection Tool. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to 6. Select Smart Filters. Use the gradient tool to direct the lightning towards the right edge.

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Right-click the adjustment layer and select Create Clipping Mask. Thanks to the clipping mask, the adjustment layer will only affect the image.

Hold down Alt and drag the image’s vector mask to a new adjustment layer. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to move the top right anchor point to the top right corner.

Use a soft brush with 75% opacity on the mask of the fill layer to render part of the image. Draw another rectangle: fill it with light brown (C=10 M=65 Y=100 K=0). Drop this rectangle below the dark brown. Use the Pen Tool and the Direct Selection Tool to reshape the light rectangle.

Now you can continue designing the flyer in Photoshop. Use the Ellipse Tool to create a circle with a diameter of 248 pixels in brown (C=30 M=80 Y=100 K=30). Use the Drop Shadow style.

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Make a circle with a diameter of 400 pixels, dark brown (C=100 M=80 Y=45 K=50). Apply the same Drop Shadow style to the second circle as the first. This can be done quickly with the layer’s context menu: Copy Layer Style/Paste Layer Style.

Drop the dark blue circle below the light brown one. Select the Horizontal Type Tool, “Proxima Nova” font and write below the circle. Open the character window (window/character) and set the font. Now you can add text. Add text with the text tool.

This guide uses fonts from the Proxima Nova family. Top title size is 17 pt. Add lines of text, one at a time. Move them with the Move tool to the desired locations.

It is of course perfectly acceptable to use different templates that can greatly simplify your work. Not sure if you want to use a particular template? Go change it!

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Many novice photo editors make this mistake in the process of creating flyers in Photoshop. If you create a document in the right size in one go, you save time without unpleasant surprises when printing. If you want to print a flyer on A5 paper, the size of the document must be 216×154 mm.

First, you need to be pretty clear about what the ticket should be. The color of the flyer is the first thing a person reacts to. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right color combination for the design.

A harmonious color scheme consists of three colors distributed evenly around the color wheel to form an equilateral triangle. Choose the right palette and you’re halfway to a successful design! Stains that are too bright can be annoying, especially when they take up a lot of space.

The flyer’s rich design cannot be created only from bright colors. Black and white will successfully emphasize color accents and make the composition harmonious. The secondary colors in the color wheel are opposite to each other. Typical examples of color combinations are green and red, blue and orange, violet and yellow.

How To Create A Promotional Flyer

If you use colors in your flyer design that may seem too intense, try softening the combination with subtle patterns or individual elements of calm primary colors.

In other words, if you can’t see clearly, you can quickly draw by hand on paper and then switch to a software environment on your computer. You can also use the brochure templates in Photoshop.

If you want to create flyers in Photoshop, you can take advantage of the extensive toolset that the program offers. You can also try Luminar Neo, which is one of the most powerful photo editing and collage programs.

Filters are a great way to present your image in a better or different way. Experiment: Apply one or 2 or 3 filters to an image and choose the filter strength you want (eg not 100%, but 20-30%). Do not limit yourself to strict color combinations, experiment with gradients. If you find it difficult to work with gradients at first, you can try making a collage of photos that go from softer colors to stronger shades.

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Make flyers for a concert, dance party or the opening of a big show? Try using a colorful image as your main theme! You can explain to your audience what will happen at the event in more than one text message. Short text speeches with icons and unique illustrations can be added. When designing a flyer with icons, make sure that all the images appear in the same style. So you want to create a coherent and coherent composition that does not “collapse”.

👆 This app is only available for desktop. We’ll send you a link when you’re back on your computer. If you want to use Adobe for flyers and Photoshop flyers, this tutorial will teach you how to create a flyer in Photoshop to promote any event or business.

Photoshop is a great tool for graphics, but with the right knowledge and thinking, you can also use Photoshop to create amazing prints. For example, it is a good opportunity to make flyers.

This tutorial will walk you through the basic steps of how to create a flyer in Photoshop. You’ll even learn the right fly size and how to get the most out of your flyers.

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Follow us on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel to learn all about making flyers in Photoshop:

Don’t have access to Photoshop? Or perhaps you lack time? If so, I have a great opportunity for you too. Placeit offers hundreds of professional flyer templates that you can customize to fit your needs – no skills required! Placeit is fast, easy and requires no additional software. Create mockups, logos, videos and images in seconds.

This tutorial uses royalty free images from Envato along with some custom vector icons I’ve created in Illustrator specifically for this project. You’ll find each of them, along with a completed PSD file that you can use to compare your work to, in the downloads on the sidebar of this guide.

This tutorial also uses the Proxima Nova font, which comes with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. You can sync the font to your computer and use it with this tutorial or use another similar font.

How To Print On Promotional Items Such As A Logo Pen

1. How to set up a document with instructions and the correct size of a flyer in Photoshop Step 1

First, set up a document with the correct settings and paper size in Photoshop for printing. Create a new document in Photoshop and set its dimensions to 216 x 154 mm. These dimensions represent A5 paper size with a 3mm bleed added to each edge. Since we are going to create artwork for printing, set the color mode to CMYK

About boy indra

Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in photography tutorials. With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.

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