How To Create Eye Catching Graphics For Social Media Campaigns In Photoshop

How To Create Eye Catching Graphics For Social Media Campaigns In Photoshop – Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful photo editing software and is considered the industry standard. But, it is very powerful when it comes to creating effective graphics for marketing purposes.

And best of all, it only costs $10 per month (the Adobe Photo plan costs $9.99 per month and you get both Photoshop and Lightroom with that plan).

How To Create Eye Catching Graphics For Social Media Campaigns In Photoshop

I have been using Photoshop for 5 years and since then I never thought I would change to any online tool like Canva or Designer.

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The only disadvantage of Photoshop is that if you are a beginner, it will take a lot of time to learn and understand the tools and features. Trust me, I’ve been there. Hence, I have written this guide keeping the beginners in mind.

But, why is it so hard to learn a new tool when I can use an easy-to-use tool online?

If you are into marketing, by now you can understand that design is important in social media. It’s not 2010 and it’s not easy to get attention by sharing a few mediocre pictures on social media.

I think that’s why it’s worth spending time learning Photoshop, especially if you don’t want to be creative.

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So, my goal in this article is to teach you how to create awesome ad graphics in Photoshop. And after reading this article completely, I am sure you will be able to create your own content for social media.

Like I said, Photoshop can be intimidating for beginners. But only when you try and learn everything Photoshop has to offer. So, I’ll talk about the tools and features you need to know to create creative content for your brand.

Can’t find the Layers panel? In the top menu, click Options, and then click Levels in the dropdown menu.

Now, I will talk more about the main tools in this section, here are images that show the different tools, so you can see them.

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Everything we see in digital media is created through color, style, and text. So, let’s start how we can create these things in Photoshop.

Click the text tool and start writing on the canvas (white area). When you’re done typing, press the Escape button on the keyboard.

Now, to change the color, size, font, spacing, layout, etc., you have to use the panel that appears on the right side. And if you can’t, go to Window (top menu) and select Properties, Characters, Paragraphs (select them one by one) and you’ll see them pop up in the sidebar like this:

Now all you have to do is adjust the settings in the following tabs: Paragraph, Properties and Characters to get the desired result. By changing the settings in these panels, you can change the color, space, layout, etc. can change

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Click the Form tool (see image: Tools Collection) and draw on the canvas. You will get a rectangle. Now, to get a square, you have to draw by holding shift (by drawing i.e. click and move the cursor in the canvas area). Now you have a panel where you can add fills, strokes, etc. can add

That’s it. This is how you create style. Now, if you want to create a circle or polygon, right-click on the tool icon (referring to the Image: Tools collection) and select the shape you want to create.

Now, let’s see how we can add color to the canvas. Select the Paint Bucket Tool (referring to Image: Tools Overview) and select Layer 0 (in the Layers section) and select your favorite color (you can do this in the lower part of the toolbox). Once you select a color, a click on the canvas will change the color.

Suppose you want to increase the size of a rectangle. Of course, you have to click on the Properties panel and change the part. But it is difficult to do so by putting the numbers every time and checking if the size is good or not.

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The easiest way to resize any object is to select the layer you want to stretch, press CMD + T (or CTRL + T) and resize manually.

According to Adobe: Photoshop layers are like stacked sheets of acetate. You can see from the visible part of the layer down to the layers below. You move a layer to place the content on that layer, like taking an acetate sheet into a stack.

So you’re seeing these posts at the top of the stack. So, if you want to add text to an image, the text should be on top and the image should be below the text layer. In the example below, since the text layer is below the rectangle layer, the text is not visible.

The top three sections under the Move Tool and Toolbar fall under the Options Tool. But let’s start with the basics. The Marquee Selection tool is similar to the Shape tool with several variations. Now select the marquee rectangle selection tool. Select layer 0 and draw a rectangle around the text.

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Now you might be thinking why not just draw a rectangle using the shape tool instead of selecting and adding color. Well, both are true. But to make layering easier for you I have explained the selection process which we will talk about in the next section.

To illustrate these concepts, let’s import an image into a Photoshop document. Go to File (top menu) and click on Embedded and select Image. When the document is imported, press ENTER.

Now, the goal is to place the image we already have into a rectangle. So, bring a rectangle under the image layer in the Layers panel. Remember this rule: Everything on the top must be cut and fit on the bottom.

Once you’ve arranged the layers, all you have to do is press alt (or option) and place the cursor between the two layers in the Layers panel. Once you see your cursor turn into an icon, click it! The result will be:

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Now, you can achieve the same effect using a layer mask. But when you use layer masks, you should always start with a selection. So, use the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the desired area. Then click on the layer mask icon in the lower right corner (see image below). The result will be:

Although you can get similar results from these two ideas, where and when you use them is different. One works if you have a shape (clipping mask) while the other works if you make a selection (layer mask).

That’s it. These are some of the tools and ideas you need to know before moving on to the next step, which is about creating amazing graphics in Photoshop.

There is no such thing as good or bad design. “Good design is personal”. Therefore, our goal should be to create something attractive so that it stops users from scrolling through their list.

Surathiya Real Estate

But to get the end result, you need to start somewhere. Where and how? You can refer to the 6 step process I talked about here. But let me simplify the process.

So I have a cafe (I don’t own one. I love designing for fitness and food businesses) and I want to introduce “sandwiches” to my customers on social media. I want to send a message and it only costs $5 * minute.

Before you start working on a design, it’s always good to see what others are doing. Use Pinterest, Etsy, Google Image tags, whatever you can, start with at least some ideas. Search for food stamps on the Internet.

Now, in this case, what I’ll do is, I’ll choose an image as the background, then I’ll write text over the image in the best way to convey the message. Let’s get started!

How To Create A Posterized Effect In Adobe Photoshop

First, create a document in Photoshop based on the social platform you’re designing for. In my case, it’s Instagram, so a square. Do not copy images in Photoshop. The correct way to import an image is to go to File and hit Embed.

The advantage of importing this way is that the image layer will change to something better. And the advantage is that you can make non-destructive changes (you can enlarge, change, modify, etc. without losing the original image data or quality).

In my case, I brought in product images (important: good images work well on social media. And bulky product photos damage your brand).

Just type text using the type tool. In this case, I want to write “few people understand a good sandwich”. There is no perfect way to choose a font. Just pick something interesting. That’s it. You don’t need to read any more articles

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About boy indra

Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in photography tutorials. With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.

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