How To Design Complex 3d Text Effects In Photoshop For Branding – The 3D Embossed Text Effect Set is available in the Studio Store, but if you want to learn more, follow our step-by-step tutorial to create your own unique bevel effect in Adobe Photoshop.
First, Let’s build a beautiful abstract background to make your typography work look its best. I love this 3D rendering by Milad Fakurian that I found on Unsplash. cut off Just a little tilt and you’re good to go.
How To Design Complex 3d Text Effects In Photoshop For Branding
Now it’s time to make another important choice. This is where you select the font you want to use for your artwork. As I often do, I’m using Proxima Nova for this effect, which comes with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, so you can get started right away. Then select the Type Tool (T) and type the text you want to work with.
50+ Cool 3d Text Effects For Adobe Illustrator
In order not to spoil this effect, We will use the smart object feature. This means you can change the original design at any time, even with effects applied. Select the text layer; Right click and click Convert to Smart Object.
The next thing we need is three copies of the smart object layer. You can create this using the shortcut Cmd+J (Ctrl+J on Windows) or using the icon at the top of the Layers panel.
Change the blending options for the three copies of the original smart object layer. Blending Options is the main tab in the Styles palette that can be opened by double-clicking the left mouse button on a layer. What we do is turn off the color channels and leave only one color channel for each of the three layers. Red is Effect Layer 1, Blue is Effect Layer 2, and Green is Effect Layer 3. Leave the initial part for now. Just layers.
It’s time to change. Move each of the three layers. The first moves 10 pixels to the left; The next moves 10 pixels to the right, and the last moves 10 pixels down. At this stage your artwork should look like this: Adjust the number of pixels according to the size of your artwork. For example, If your artwork is larger, 10 pixels may not be enough to show the effect.
Free Photoshop Tutorials For Graphic Designers
We’re almost there. A final manipulation with effect layers involves adding motion blur. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. For Effect Layer 1, Distance is 40 and Angle is -30. For Effect Layer 2 to 40 and for Effect Layer 3 to 90. There is room for experimentation. Adjust the distance and angle parameters as desired.
It’s almost over. However, There is one more step here that is completely optional. Duplicate the original smart object layer and set its opacity to 40%. Go to your base layer’s blending options and turn off the two color channels you want.
This final step solidifies the composite, layering, Adds a more complex shape. However, some may prefer to stop at the previous level.
When this effect is over, You can open the Stereo Smart Object layer and save the internal PSB document to make changes to adjust the text layer.
Texturize 3d Text With Photoshop Cc
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