Retouching Landscape Photos In Photoshop For A Professional Finish

Retouching Landscape Photos In Photoshop For A Professional Finish – There are countless tools, tricks and techniques that photographers use to edit their photos, the ones I use 99 percent of the time when editing my landscape images. 

Before I introduce a trick I always use when editing landscape images, it may not work for everyone’s style, these tools and tricks help me achieve that end goal, even if you want to create light and airy images. Like, you may still find them useful Editing your own images 

Retouching Landscape Photos In Photoshop For A Professional Finish

The easiest way to explain the trick is that it creates and manipulates my own vignette, I remove darkness to light up certain areas of the image to move the viewer’s eye. A certain direction 

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First, I always start with a raw image shot in the field, once I transfer the files to my computer, I bring the image into Lightroom to make some basic adjustments to suit my taste and style. Exposure, Contrast, Saturation, Vibrance, Sharpness, White, Black, Shadow and Highlight sliders as well as cropping and light vignetting. 

Once I’m done with my initial Lightroom edits, I’ll export the file to Photoshop. ll Create another Curves adjustment layer and move the sliders so that they look like this creates a sharp contrast and really emphasizes the bright and dark parts of the image. 

Next, I’ll create a gradient adjustment on the same layer , although there are four other options, I also usually leave 100 percent opacity, but it always depends on the image and the overall effect. What I want to create 

Once I have my settings together, I’ll apply the gradient setting In this case it’s the snowy mountain on the right, one thing to consider before actually using the gradient tool is that the further you move the line from the initial click, the greater the effect. I mean repeat and undo the tweaking until you get the look you want 

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Finally, I’ll select the brush tool and remove the remaining black or dark until the parts of the image look the way I want them, I always start with a low opacity number like 25 or 30 and then work my way up to change the happens The transition from light to dark is gradual and smooth Clearing up the remaining darkness takes some practice, and it’s always best to start with a small amount of blur in this way. It took a lot longer, but also had more control over the effect Finally, before saving the image and exporting it as a JPEG, I’ll do a small, additional dose and burn to overexpose any areas with bright, dark areas. 

Not only do I use this technique for landscapes, I’ve also used it for portraits, food photography, and commercial work. On the subject and in an image, I think this is a powerful trick that can really take your photos to the next level. 

Timothy Behuniak is a Salt Lake City-based landscape and outdoor adventure photographer who loves getting lost in the woods with his camera. Tim’s hope is that his audience will one day love to be loved and lucky enough to be photographed Visited the wonderful Patagonia, Argentina I’ve shared some simple photo editing techniques that every level of photographer can appreciate

The photo used in this tutorial was taken near the small mountain village of El Walten The Patagonian Ice Field, the world’s second largest continental ice field, borders Argentina and Chile. This photo was taken on an autumn morning (April) with a Nikon D800 and Nikon 14-24mm lens without a tripod. I will edit it in Luminar 4

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I would start by changing the exposure settings, you want to get a lot of shadow detail in the dark parts, changing these settings is not the same as changing the exposure in the shadows, midtones and highlights.

I will exit the contract and return to this menu later

Now, going to AI Enhance this menu includes the Accent AI and AI Sky Enhancer tools, which I don’t use with my workflow, as I do all the custom adjustments myself, but it’s still a great feature if you want to get faster. Results I’m actually using the AI ​​Sky Enhancer which darkens it and adds more contrast to make it look better. I will set the AI ​​Sky Enhancer to 100.

The next step is to adjust the color I’ll go to the advanced menu, which replaces the old HSL menu More separation of bright mountains and blue tones for a more natural look Yes

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Now, coming to detail enhancement, we can adjust the sharpness of the image by sharpening it at different levels, sharpening the image without changing the overall contrast. The best way to judge this device is Zoom to 100% or more I will add 17

Now I’m going to make adjustments in the Creative tab, I’m going to increase the Amount to 30 and leave the Shadow at 0. Set it up at the end of the planning phase

Now I’ll continue on the Professional tab with an adjustable gradient

Next are the Dodge and Burn tools . I also applied some dose to the background stone Brighten bright areas to increase existing contrast

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Now I’ll move on to the split toning menu, which allows you to set a specific tone for highlights and shadows. Stay within a certain color range compared to the original image, for example, purple or violet will not look good. Instead, I can go for any red or yellow tones The easiest way is to increase the saturation a lot, say to 80, to see if you like the color.

For shadows, I always go for blue tones It uses the same technique of increasing saturation and then decreasing it. I went for number 13 in this picture

Now that I’m done with all the adjustments,

About boy indra

Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in photography tutorials. With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.

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