Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop – Marble writing effect takes its place in home decoration and many other areas with its stylish design. If you know how to create a marble text effect in Photoshop, you can improve and customize this design.

To achieve this effect, you need to adjust several settings, including shadows, layers, and filters.

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

We begin our article with a brief discussion of the marble effect. Next, we’ll take you step by step to create an elegant marble text effect.

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It refers to a visual effect reminiscent of marble or stone. You can create them by applying filters like clouds, as well as adjusting hue, saturation and brightness.

The marble text effect is a typography technique for adding a marble effect to text. To do this, you need to use Photoshop’s layer styles, filters and blending modes.

You can create marble text effects in Photoshop in several ways. But we found it to be the easiest one even beginners can follow. 

The first step is to match the background color with the marble texture. However, determining the exact color of an image is a bit cumbersome as it takes time.

Layer Styles In Photoshop: Creative Effects

In this case, choose #534d39 as the background color. You can then add your texture image and blend it with the background using the Multi Blend mode.

You can write whatever you want as long as you use the color #b0ac97. Apply the font you decided earlier and set its size to 377px.

So duplicate a layer of text. Make sure the fill value of the newly created layer is 0.

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

Now we will update the original text with major changes in drop shadows, inner shadows and other areas. Double click on it and adjust the following –

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Choose #908c78 as the color and 13px as the size. In case of contour, a hemispherical shape will be suitable.

Drop shadows simulate a text layer that moves onto the background layer and creates a shadow. Simply put, they convert your image into 3D.

Choose #585858 as the color to get the perfect stroke. Then increase the distance to 6 and the size to 10 pixels.

We need to change the shadow mode color at size 12 to #6e6b5e. Consider increasing the value to 300 when the bevels and reliefs vary with depth.

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It’s also a good idea to soften the depth by 3 or 4 percent. This way the text will have nicely rounded edges and shadows.

Make sure that the Blending Mode of the interior light is Linear Light and the Technique is set to Good. Then use color #afafac and size 10.

This step adds a slight glow to the inner edges and allows the text to shine through the background.

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

Although not required, you can check the Anti-Aliases box next to Glossy Contour. What it does is increase the fluency of the lesson.

Creating And Manipulating Text In Adobe Photoshop

Was two coats enough? Apparently they are not. Create a third and label it “texture”.

Enter foreground and background colors #a77d31 and #fff8de respectively. Then you are ready to paint the “texture” layer with the foreground color.

Choices can cause problems later; So press Control and D keys simultaneously to remove them.

This is probably the most important step because here we will use filters to get the marble texture you want.

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Continue from the Filter menu, select Drawing, then Chalk and Charcoal. Make sure you set the following –

Now get back to being artistic and opt for plastic wrap instead. Below are the changes you need to make –

Finally, it’s time to switch the blend mode of the “texture” layer to multiply mode. Once you’ve done that, open the Image tab and select Adjustments.

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

What people often don’t realize is that marbles don’t come in fancy colors like red, yellow or green. Its natural colors are white, brown and black.

How To Create Layered Text In Photoshop

Filters are essential when creating marble text because they adjust the content of layers. Hence cloud, marble etc. Test the filters and find what works for you.

Play around with blending modes in Photoshop. For marble effects, overlay or soft light are very good options.

Because of all the effects and filters, the text no longer looks realistic. To avoid this problem, cover the marble layer with sound.

If you think you will add text to the marble effect, use a layer mask. They seamlessly integrate text into the design.

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Stunning Photoshop Text Effects & Styles

The marble effect is really nice, eye-catching and it is. But remember, nothing is too good.

So if you think the effect is too strong, change the opacity of the marble layer to adjust how much effect is applied.

As shown in the article, creating a marble texture effect is relatively simple if you understand how shadows, layers, and filters work. 

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

To make the effect brighter, you can use tips like using the right colors and blending modes. This way you can learn how to effectively create a marble text effect in Photoshop. Make your text shine and flow with our latest Melt Text Effect tutorial! The magnetism of flowing letters made of luminescent material has won the hearts of many designers, and we are very excited to teach you how to create your own flowing text.

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We’ve been playing with soft textures for a long time, and we have to admit that they perform even better than the super popular glitch effect (we never mean to offend glitch lovers). And if you want a hint to try your hand at creating a Photoshop melt effect, this is it! You’ll have all the necessary resources and a highly intuitive tutorial, so all you have left is some inspiration and a desire to work some Photoshop magic. It’s like chemistry class, but better (and safer)!

Here are the files you need to complete the lesson and create the magnetic melt effect in Photoshop:

Step 6 – Go to the Blur Gallery and add a Tilt Shift effect. Set it to about 20 and move the frame of the effect to the edges of your letters. As you can see below:

Step 7 – Add the Tilt Shift effect again, but this time set the amount to 150 and expand the frame.

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Step 8 – Open the Liquify tool with the Shift-Control-X key combination and set the brush size to 150.

When you’re done, your melted text should look like the image below: with soft dots on top. And we are in the middle of the process; More Photoshop magic is yet to happen!

Step 12 – Let’s add some color to our melting text! Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map and select our free gradient.

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Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

Step 13 — You can easily change the colors of your liquid text design by creating a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and playing with the settings until you like the result.

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Step 14 – Let’s add some texture to finish off our liquid text effects. Keep the powder texture and change the Blending Mode to Opacity and Opacity to about 50.

Step 16 – Add a noise filter with the following settings: Amount: 50, Distribution: Gaussian and Monochromatic mode.

Step 17 – Change the Blending Mode of the new texture to Soft Light and set the Opacity to about 45.

Hooray, our melting effect is ready! By repeating the same process for different fonts, different settings and color details, you can create a different melting text effect that reflects your artistic vision. In fact, this is one of the rare cases where you have extensive experience in Adobe Photoshop which allows you to do different experiments and achieve unique designs.

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This tutorial is inspired by the classic halftone photo effect. So, if you are a fan of this style, want to buy ready-made templates or get inspiration, this is the best option. With its help, you can create a beautiful melting text effect in Photoshop in seconds, and for your convenience, there are 15 pre-made designs to choose from. Also, since there are so many words you can use as a starting point for a project, look for added 3-word width options for each text effect; So both short and long look as good as you imagine. To enhance the grunge even more, you can turn on the dust and noise layers.

Collection of Fluid Text Effects Your artistic potential is sure to blossom with 15 fluid text effects in a variety of expanded, melted and glowing textures. Download Now Iridescence: Liquid Textures Kit Bright colors, smooth lines, and sharp shadow contrast—these 32 vibrant textures are built on well-balanced contrasts and will make your heart beat faster. Download Link Melting Illusion Text Effects Electronic music has a big influence on this collection of 12 illusion text effects that conjure up bold sounds. Download now

Evan is a Photoshop teacher and stock graphic designer who loves creating textures, templates and all kinds of effects and tools for Adobe.

Step-by-step Guide To Creating Layered Text Effects In Photoshop

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