Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop

Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop – When looking at retouchers’ portfolios, you can separate the good ones from the rest by looking at their color corrections. For example, if the skin tone is abnormal, it makes the makeup artist look as dangerous as the retoucher. There are many ways to correct color problems, but let’s look at a quick and easy one to use for minor problems, no matter what kind of photo you choose.

For this method, all you need is Photoshop or Affinity Photo and the image you want to edit. A Wacom tablet can help with fine-tuning, but it’s not necessary. So, if you’re traveling, no problem! First, we need to create an empty layer, and to keep everything going, let’s change it to something:

Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop

Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop

It is common to shoot photos and have models with red zits or red scratches. Maybe we’ve all heard the example: “I don’t have a place, but now, you know… just on the day of the shooting, it has to happen.” So, let’s fix it. We’re going to use the brush tool (“b” on your keyboard) and model the problem area.

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Now that we’ve chosen the color we want to have in the problem area, we’ll just create an overlay, and then repeat the process for each problem we find.

I know, the format is wrong now, and some of you are wondering why we don’t use the editing tool or the clone stamp. They both do the same thing, but this method is designed to focus only on color and not on shape. But to do that, we need to change one thing: the shape of our layer. Make sure you select the color adjustment layer and at the top of the layers window, click the Blending Mode drop-down menu (by default, “normal” is selected), then select “Color.” A quick way to change the blending mode to “color” is to select the layer, press “v” on your keyboard to enable the move tool, then alt + shift + c to switch to color.

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A color combination is actually a combination of hue and saturation, leaving one light. As you can see below, we changed our shape but kept our position and color correction.

If you want to go further, you can create similar layers focused on saturation or brown with the same blending mode. For fine editing, the water brush is the tool of choice in my opinion, but if you don’t understand how it works, the clone stamp tool can work too! Finally, don’t forget that you can change the opacity of your layer to get the effect you want to achieve.

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This method allows you to change the saturation and color of the area. Therefore, you can use it for other purposes than color correction, for example, to change the color of individual objects, to make videos by mixing the brightness of the face, or to remove some colors from the image when it is used. choosing colors. . But I will elaborate on some of these ideas and more in future posts. So remember to stay tuned!

Is this a skill you already use? If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try and share your results in Groups so people can give you feedback and help you improve your work! Learn how to change cast colors in graphics using Photoshop! In this tutorial we’ll show you how to use Color Balance to adjust layers to get a nice skin tone in your photos in a few easy steps.

Take your photos to the next level with our in-depth Pro Beginner’s Guide to Portrait Retouching Using AI and Traditional Tools.

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Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop

In this tutorial we’ll guide you through using Photoshop’s Color Balance Adjustment Process to enhance your photos by creating beautiful skin tones.

Editing Skin Tones

6. Click the slider and drag it left or right while checking the effect on your skin.

7. Show good skin. Don’t go too far on either side, which will cause bad color.

Repeat this step for Midtones and Shadows as needed. Always pay attention to how the color of the shadow affects your face. Get ready for the normal and the good.

To measure the effectiveness of your changes, the Layers panel provides a simple guide. Click the eyebrow icon next to the Color Balance Adjustment Layer. It allows you to turn its visibility on and off, so you can easily compare the enhanced version with the original image.

Skin Tone Color Grading In Photoshop Tutorial

Sometimes your photos may need more adjustments than Color Balance. In these cases, a System Update may be the next step. They provide precise control over the overall brightness and contrast of your images. Think of Level as a histogram that shows the distribution of light and shadow in your image. By moving the sliders, you can view specific areas:

With practice, using the same color adjustment techniques will become second nature, allowing you to achieve beautiful skin tones in any image.

Quality Work: Remember, color correction is something special. Feel free to experiment with the sliders to achieve the look you want, keeping skin tones in mind.

Techniques For Correcting Skin Tones In Portraits Using Photoshop

Pre-Lighting: If the image has a lot of color throughout, consider using the Color Balance Pre-Adjustment Process to fully adjust the lighting first.

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Our Top Beauty Retouching Tips

Fight Color Fatigue: Take breaks during treatment to avoid color fatigue, which affects your judgment of the colors you see on the screen.

Change and correction: The color scale of the changing process is constantly changing. You can come back to it later and make other changes if needed.

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