How To Create Fantasy Illustrations Using Photoshop For Storytelling

How To Create Fantasy Illustrations Using Photoshop For Storytelling – Welcome to Art Teacher Helper, an interdisciplinary website that integrates the visual arts with math, social studies, science, and language arts.

Learning to draw means learning to see. A good art class teaches us not only to create, but also to see, think and understand our world through art.

How To Create Fantasy Illustrations Using Photoshop For Storytelling

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a simple drawing made on paper with a Sharpie marker

Here are some helpful tips and tools made from screenshots to help you on your design journey:

When drawing with a sharpie, make sure to cover all the gaps where the lines join. Otherwise, you will have problems when you try to manipulate your image in Photoshop.

Photoshop is usually set to a resolution of 72 pixels per square inch, as this is the most popular resolution for photos on the web. However, if you plan to print your photos, you’ll want to use 300 pixels per inch. Otherwise, your pictures will look grayy. You need to change this first before you can do anything else with your image.

Photoshop Masking Guide

After I took my picture, I realized that it was distorted. Using the marquise rectangle tool was difficult because I kept cutting part of my drawing by mistake. The solution is to click edit, convert and rotate.

No matter what I did, there was extra “noise” in my image when I tried to remove the background. Noise is unwanted pixels of the wrong color that make my image look dirty. The solution is to select only the black lines and paste them into a new document.

If the image is on the background layer, you will need to click “layer” and create a layer from the background. Then you can use the magic wand to completely cut out the background. You’ll know you’ve done it right when a gray and white monitor appears where the background used to be. Saving an image as a portable web image with no background will allow you to use it again and again in many ways. I agree to the processing of my data in accordance with the terms set out in the privacy policy.

Do you want to make amazing shots on the other side, as if from a fairy tale? If so, you can achieve this with amazing photography. Let’s take a look at this free creative creation, which is a combination of photography and Photoshop functionality. You will also learn how to get great photo ideas, how to edit photos and bring your vision to life with Photoshop.

My Newest Piece Of Fantasy Art. Digital Painting In Photoshop

Fantasy photography is one of the special types of photography that involves creating images based on fantasy, myth or legend. These fantasy images are mostly surreal universes, such as fairies, elves, dragons and goblins.

This is often mistaken as a type of cosplay, but they are completely different. Cosplay photography tries to imitate certain scenes from special stories or movies. Nonfiction photography, on the other hand, involves creating images from scratch, drawing inspiration from people and fictional stories.

As with any form of photography, technical skills and a creative eye are important aspects of photography. Let’s take a look at the steps you need to take to create your perfect photo.

To begin with, you need to look for inspiration to create a fantasy image. You can watch popular movies, classics, fairy tales, fairy tales, video games or TV shows for inspiration.

Created A Fantasy Artwork Featuring My Daughter To Tell A Timeless Story. Looking For Feedback On Where I Can Tell The Story Better Or Improve My Photoshop Editing. Tia

You can find inspiration from The Witcher, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland or Game of Thrones. After finding a few sources of inspiration, outline your idea.

Your vision will help you determine how you want your image to appear and how you want others to read it after viewing it. This is the stage where you better understand how to position your model, point and camera. This will help you determine how much of your image will be generated on the computer.

For example, if the idea is a beautiful queen in a wonderful dress and an idol, this is how you should plan and shoot a wonderful picture. All other things will fall into place according to your vision.

Some common misconceptions many people have about beauty photography is that it involves placing a model in front of a green screen, taking a picture, and mixing everything else. However, the truth is that the idea or concept should be the basis on which you build your image.

Manga, Superheroes And Fantasy Figures Artwork

With a vision in mind, find the right space to help you visualize your vision. Ease of access and adequate natural light are key considerations when finding the right location.

The location you choose should support your vision. For example, if you have the idea of ​​a mermaid, then a rocky beach with clear water would be the right place.

It is also important to consider the time of year at this time. For example, in winter, you will need an indoor pool for a mermaid fantasy photo shoot.

Now this is the fun part where you can customize your character’s appearance. It’s time to unleash your creative imagination. For example, if the concept is to have a beautiful queen wearing amazing foreign clothes, this is how you can model your model.

Digital Concept Art And Storytelling < Premium Courses Online

Most of these creatures have a mythical or fantastical origin and do not look “real” like normal people. So, with the help of makeup, you can add icing on the cake to your fantasy creature. there’s really a lot that can be done with this feature alone. The goal is to find the right balance between things that are very real and not at all.

The choice of clothes should emphasize the content of your idea, but at the same time combine well with the natural features of your model. For example, in a theme about a beautiful fairy queen in fantastic, ethereal clothes, then the clothes should be fluffy and ethereal, but perfectly suited to her figure.

Props can be a big part of fantasy photos, helping to create atmosphere or tell a story. For example, an extra crown on our beautiful fairy queen can help represent the queen that she is.

There is no set formula for this part, as it will depend on a fixed concept or idea. However, here are a few proven pointers to produce great results;

How To Create “dark Fantasy” Images Like These?

Now that you have an image, you can bring your idea to life with Photoshop. You can use Photoshop to add additional elements such as trees, wings and fog. It also allows you to change the colors of your images and create a more surreal look.

Here we go; these are the basics of creating a great photo. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start planning your own shots and bring your photos to life.

And if you’re new to Photoshop, there’s a simple and clear tutorial on how to do it. Read on and learn how to make photoshop wings for a beautiful photo.

If you’ve always wanted to know how to make cute little wings with Photoshop, look no further. In this tutorial, we will show you how to make your own fantasy wings.

How To Create A Visual Story With Photoshop And Ai

Fantasy photography is a unique and creative way to present your subject in a completely different setting. By following these simple steps, you can create amazing fantasy photos. A little imagination and basic Photoshop skills are all you need. Just a little practice and you’ll be ready to create impressive images to impress your viewers.

If you like this article, please share it! Be sure to join our FB group: to share your thoughts! You can find free articles, updates and discount information at https:/// and in our FB group. Do you love fairy tales or fairy tales and secretly wish you could pick a book, play with magic or discover your superpower?

Learning to compose in Photoshop frees your imagination and gives you the magical power to transform your everyday photos into story-driven images (while bringing your inner child’s wildest thoughts to life and justifying them as “art”! 💃)

But maybe you thought Photoshop was too complicated OR you spent hours trying to create your own compositions only to end up with clumsy, unbelievable efforts that didn’t impress anyone. 😣

The Helpful Art Teacher: Creating Fantasy Architecture In Photoshop: Take Your Marker Drawings To The Next Level

You may have a vague idea of ​​what you want the image to look like, but without knowing how to put your pieces together, you will end up with an incomplete image that will destroy all your dreams. 

And if you’ve ever tried to learn composition before, you’ll notice that most tutorials give you tools and steps to copy OTHERS’ images, leaving you wondering how on earth you can do it and photograph your own original ideas. 🤔 It’s like taking an art class and an art introduction, where you’ll make a piece of art, but it won’t make you an artist.

And if

About boy indra

Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in photography tutorials. With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.

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