How To Use Photoshop For Creating Visually Appealing Ads For Facebook

How To Use Photoshop For Creating Visually Appealing Ads For Facebook – Why did you read this? : Shares 5 major areas where Photoshop is used in marketing. Learn how to use it in market research, brand identity, advertising, digital marketing, and e-commerce. Read this to learn about the marketing benefits of Photoshop. 

Our senses send approximately 11 billion bits of information to our brain every second. But did you know that 90% of it comes from what we see?

How To Use Photoshop For Creating Visually Appealing Ads For Facebook

Our vision helps us in every way. It meets basic survival needs. Is there something dangerous here? where is the food? does he like me? And it also helps us in our advanced self-development activities. Just like reading a quality marketing blog 😉

Social Media Ads Design In Photoshop

Image. They are ready to handle them. And interestingly, we can process images 60,000 times faster than we can process words. Impressing your customers therefore means influencing what they see.

Images have a big impact on our brains, so they seem to play a big role in marketing to influence customers.

You want them to see your brand the right way. Because how they see you will affect whether they choose you or not. These can be moving images, or videos, but in this article we’ll focus on still images. 

Our marketing photography guide already covers the basics. For example, how do you define your goals? Media channels that use photos. Where can I get photos if I don’t take them myself?

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But there’s clearly more to the image than that. Many online graphic design resources also include photos. For example, sites like Behance and Dribbble are great for inspiration. Sites like Adobe Education Exchange are great for learning. You can also find many resources on sites like Envato and Canva.

However, you have the most control over your photos when you shoot them yourself. So this week, we’re focusing on how to use Photoshop for marketing. 

Adobe Photoshop is an advanced photo editing program that can be used for many marketing purposes. (See also previous article)

We chose Photoshop because it is the most well-known. It’s also the tool you use when editing photos. 

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If you don’t have Photoshop, there are other tools you can use to edit your photos, such as Affinity Photo and GIMP. Check out our thoughts on these in our graphic design tools guide.

Adobe Photoshop is like the Swiss Army knife of marketing. This can be used in various ways. And once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it.

All of these will help you create eye-catching visuals to attract customers. ​Actually, think about how much photography your business currently uses. For example, it will be featured in advertisements and promotional materials. Website and social media posts. To represent your brand on other websites, such as product pages for online retailers.

For new advertising campaigns, packaging, and marketing innovations, you need to understand how customers view these changes. What will they think about your plan?

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It is difficult to imagine change using only words. To get a real response, you need visuals that your customers can see.

If you’re in the concept or prototype stage, you can use tools like Photoshop to bring these concepts and prototypes to life visually. Create realistic visuals of what your advertising, packaging, or marketing innovation ideas will look like when completed. 

Let’s say you created an ad for this article. We also wanted to advertise on outdoor billboards. 

But according to our ad evaluation and media planning guidelines, the context of where, when, and how a customer sees (or hears) an ad plays a role. ​In this context, you can’t get feedback from concept diagrams. 

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Another option is to create and design an actual outdoor advertisement and place it on an actual billboard. However, this costs time and money. But with Photoshop, you can achieve the same effect faster and cheaper.

Take a photo of a blank billboard in Photoshop and combine it with a mockup to simulate a real billboard ad. This is a very easy and quick task using Photoshop. 

You can also easily adjust colors, font styles, and composition to present multiple choices to respondents in your market research. For example, add parentheses to the title of this article for e-commerce to make it clearer.

Ask them to review each concept and talk about what they liked and didn’t like. You try to calculate the impact this will have on them. 

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In this example, you can see that we took a photo of a box of Heinz baked beans and designed three variations of a simple advertising concept. 

This took approximately 30 minutes. This will show you how easy it is to explore different options. Which title is most effective? Above or below the image? What about different font options and styles? How do different colors work together? So which one has the most impact?

This type of simulated stimulation is useful for asking these kinds of detailed questions. But to do marketing promotions in the first place, you need tools like Adobe Photoshop. 

Customers will give you more accurate feedback if they can actually see your advertising concept as it appears in “real life.” Mockups show you what it will look like so you don’t have to rely on your imagination. 

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Using Photoshop for marketing research is more common in qualitative research. This is very helpful when trying out different concepts to understand “why” customers prefer one version over another. 

There are quantitative ways to test ads, but what this research shows is usually closer to the final version. These types of surveys typically only yield likeability or liking scores, and are not useful in diagnosing the “why.”

Photoshop also plays an important role in creating tangible assets for your brand identity. Photographs are often one of these assets.

For example, brand assets may include a product, its advertising, or specific photos of the people behind the product. 

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Adobe Photoshop lets you make your images and other important visuals look as beautiful as possible. For example, I often use Adobe Photoshop’s Filter/Sharpen option to make sure that key brand images don’t have jagged edges.

It also tweaks the hue, saturation, and brightness to make the image appear “bigger” on screen.  

You can also take photos from the source and adjust and adjust them to better fit your website’s brand identity. For example, using color blends or gradients that match colors in other parts of your brand is a great way to achieve more consistent color usage across your website.

From a purely sensory perspective, radio is the only media channel that does not directly use visuals.

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All other channels feature a variety of visuals, including video content for TV and movies, print, point-of-sale materials, and photography for outdoor advertising. 

Visuals are very important in advertising. On average, customers are exposed to about 5,000 ads every day. But how many customers remember and notice? Not that many. 

Note. And what should we ignore? If your ad images aren’t relevant or distinctive, your customers will tune you out.

Related to this topic is known as the von Restorff effect. This is well known in the design world, but less well known to marketers.

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The name comes from a German psychiatrist who proved that when people look at a set of items, the one that stands out the most is the one that is the most different from the others. 

This is important when comparing your ads to your competitors. Using similar styles will make your ads less noticeable. 

Harnessing the technical power of Photoshop to create advertising images that stand out from the competition is a common use of Photoshop for marketing purposes. This helps your brand stand out among the 4,999 other brands your customers see every day. The best brands stand out from the crowd.  

Let’s take a look at an example we have prepared to demonstrate the common use of Photoshop for marketing purposes in the ad development process. 

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The original image on the left was not created specifically for advertising purposes. It actually feels like a lifestyle. Check out the color palette of soft browns and fall greens. 

. There are many ways to use Photoshop to edit photos to make your products stand out and look great. 

First, I created a copy of the ring using the Quick Selection Tool. Then I copied and pasted this

I then used the adjustment panel to add a black and white filter to the original photo and lowered the brightness and contrast. 

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Next, we focused on the cut version of the ring. Remember that we cut it out and placed it on a separate layer first. 

Here, I increased the brightness and contrast a bit and added a gold overlay to make the gold pop even more. 

Finally, I grabbed a screen glow from Adobe Illustrator and placed it behind the gold ring to make it look like the ring was glowing with light. 

If I had actually released this, I would have spent more time polishing it. This is just a mockup to show you that you can create something very effective.

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About boy indra

Indra Ajoo is a passionate content creator, with a keen interest in photography tutorials. With years of experience and a love for sharing knowledge, Indra Ajoo aims to inspire and guide others through detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials and informative articles.

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