Techniques For Making Typography Stand Out In Posters Designed In Photoshop – If you haven’t discovered these image-in-text poster designs yet, get excited because you can do amazing things with visual design!
We’ll show you how to take a poster template and turn it into 10 amazing poster designs in just a few clicks – using our unique image in text poster style.
Techniques For Making Typography Stand Out In Posters Designed In Photoshop
Let’s get to the point, because you need to see it right away. Here’s a preview of how our image-in-text poster designs look, all created with Easel’s Text Mask tool:
Design Basics: Understanding Typographic Hierarchy
Let’s do it! The “Hack Your Visual Design” series (previous post here) shows how to take a DIY design template and transform it into 10 different designs. Thanks to Easyil it’s easy!
We transformed 10 posters using our text mask tool to make them look different and distinct. Why are we excited about this tool feature? Because in the past, creating images for text projects was limited to using tools like Photoshop. This makes it difficult for anyone other than designers to use it. As yet!
We’ll start with a basic template and move on to all the cool poster designs you can create with it. We’ve also included some hot tips at the end of this post to help you use the template.
In this example we will use the following “We love live music” template. Pay attention to how it looks before making any changes. We used two simple fonts, line art and background image.
How To Make Creative Letter Poster Design In Photoshop
Notice how the main font is a big, bold font that matches our text mask tool? You’ll see this trend continue throughout the post as we highlight the eye-catching impact of text posters!
In this Mother’s Day example, we followed a few simple steps to create a great text poster image:
Hot Tip: If you have a lot of text to display in your poster design, use an image that leaves space in between so the overall image doesn’t look too “busy.”
However, the above design underwent some major changes to create a new, custom design:
Mastering Creative Photoshop Poster Design: A Comprehensive Guide For Stunning Results
Hot Tip: If you see a bold font that works in a template that uses an image in the text (ie you like it), keep it in your design. You already know it works… so why change it?
Using the glow effect in “Inline Image Posters” is something we’re loving right now:
Hot Tip: If you want to add more sparkle to your poster design, search “bling stars” in the image library.
Let’s try some detail and really start playing with contrasts using the Text Mask tool. Sales Hours:
What’s In A Font? How Fonts Can Define Your Design
Hot Tip: If you have a detailed model to use for the image-in-text effect, choose a plain background. In this example, you can also use clothing patterns on your merchandise – perfect for product-based businesses.
For this text poster image example, we kept it simple by moving the background image from the header to the border for a consistent layout. We:
Hot Tip: Using the “Blur” filter on your image will make your poster design soft and blurry!
Now we’ll take the previous example and do the same thing, but instead make the image more detailed in the text and move it to create a frame:
How To Design Flyers & Leaflets In Photoshop
Hot Tip: If you don’t feel comfortable selecting a new font and header layout, use the Merge Project feature to transfer the header layout from another project. Then apply a font to the copied area of the current design to blend them together.
White space, white space, white space. This design has space for a few days and really makes the title stand out.
Hot Tip: Use an image with gradient effects or contrast, changing colors or graphics. In this example, the beach is perfect as it slopes from blue-green ocean to shallows and then sand.
Reverse effects are powerful with our text effects tool in Easel. Here’s what you can do about it:
Crafting Dynamic Sports Posters: A Step-by-step Photoshop Tutorial
Hot Tip: You can also use transparent PNG images in your poster design. For example, in the version on the left, the transparent areas show the font color!
The Text Mask tool lets you work on more than one word or poster element:
Hot Tip: Pique our interest with an image in your headline text. In this project you are prompted to understand what the painting is actually about, and only after looking a little further you see that it is guitars and live music. Keep it updated, but tease us with a picture!
Have you harnessed the power of our Text Mask tool? Now you can use it to create great posters!
How To Make Text Stand Out From A Busy Background — Natsumi Nishizumi Design
Before you go out and play with Easel, I want to give you some tips on how to avoid common mistakes when designing a “custom” design from the same template. Just a few clicks away (but you really want to avoid these poster design mistakes).
Remember, as we’ve said throughout this series of posts… keep it simple and don’t mess with the template too much. Try not to make these mistakes:
Keep the design elements! As far as templates are concerned, the following elements are usually there for a reason. So don’t get too confused by them:
Keep the text in approximately the same position, size, and length as it is already. For example, if you change the title, don’t make it longer or shorter. Keep it the same length (ie if it’s a 5 word sentence, keep it close to 5 words of the same length).
A Beginner’s Guide To Typography: The Basics You Need To Know
If you change your title to a different font, change it to a font that is similar in size and shape. Then it is more likely to have a specific design. Simply put, maintain the “shape” and “essence” of the design.
Keep it simple. Stick to 2 or 3 fonts maximum. If you’re not sure, use the same number of fonts as in the template. if it is not broke, do not fix it!
Use your brand fonts if you want, but keep them to a maximum of 2 or 3. A good rule of thumb is not to use too many fonts that are already included in the template design).
Match new images to existing images. If it is a busy image, select a busy replacement image. If it’s an image with white space in the middle and details on the edges… choose something similar.
100 Best Free Psd Text Effects & Photoshop Styles In 2024
Don’t be tempted to add too many graphic elements unless you replace the elements already in the design with another graphic element of similar size and shape.
Use the same colors that are already on the text poster (if you are going to change them).
Use Easel’s color picker to match the image colors to your title and body text. This gives you a better chance of choosing colors that complement each other. check:
Easel’s Text Mask tool is a game changer when it comes to creating stunning poster designs that look like no other.
10 Poster Design Ideas & Inspiration
One of the most common complaints we hear from users creating their own DIY projects is that they don’t want to look like someone else using the same templates.
Do you like pictures in text poster style? Have you tried creating a poster design in Easyil? Learn how to create a stunning poster in Adobe Photoshop, with step-by-step instructions on setting the image, creating a layer mask, and adding text for an eye-catching design.
This article was created using the same AI that powers AI. You can easily copy it and use it on your website or blog.
Poster design is the creative process of combining images, typography, and colors to communicate a message or promote an event, product, or service. With industry-leading graphic design software Adobe Photoshop, creating eye-catching posters is within everyone’s reach. This guide walks you through the entire process of designing a poster in Photoshop, from setting up your document to applying the final texture effect. By following the steps below, you will be able to create an attractive poster ready for print or digital display.
How To Create Professional Sport Poster Design
The first step in designing a poster in Photoshop is to create a new document. To do this, open Photoshop and choose “File” > “New.” Adjust the document size according to the purpose of the poster. For a standard poster, A3 (11.7 x 16.5 inches) at 300 dpi is a good starting point for high-quality printing. However, you can adjust these settings according to your specific needs.
Open the image you want to use as the basis for your poster. You can find high quality images on stock photo sites or use your own. Once you’ve created your image, use the Quick Selection tool to select the part of the image you want to include in your poster. Once you have made your selection, press “Ctrl + C” to copy the file.